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We utilize a number of different music curriculum that are available today.   We believe that every student deserves a personally customized program that will build a strong musical foundation and at the same time nurture a life-long love and enjoyment of music.  Some of our most popular options are shown below - but we are not limited to traditional music programs for those students who aspire to try something off the beaten path.

The Royal Conservatory of Music is one of the largest and most respected music education institutions in the world.   It has been in existence for over 100 years and is considered the "gold standard" when it comes to musical training.   Whether your goals include a classical repetoire or something with a more modern flair - the RCM series will provide you with the most solid foundation to pursue whatever musical interests your heart desires.

The Bastien Piano Basics method is a very user friendly and appealing curriculum for students.   It is comprised of five completely correlated course books — PIANO, THEORY, PERFORMANCE, TECHNIC, and A LINE A DAY SIGHT READING (although not all 5 course segments need be used at one time). Bastien Piano Basics uses a gradual multi-key approach, with reading beginning in the C five-finger position. The Bastien series also provides a more "chord based" system and exploration in styles such as blues and boogie which make music study more interesting for the student interested in current music trends.

Piano Adventures is a wonderful teaching program that is the method of choice at leading university programs and music studios around the world. This student-centred approach uses analysis, creativity, and expression to develop a “musical mind and heart.” The delightful, pianistic pieces and creative theory pages, combined with an outstanding technical approach encourage practise and progress—with adventure!

A comprehensive step-by-step course specifically designed to suit the needs of all children beginning the piano. In this new and revised series there are lots of child-friendly characters and illustrations * writing exercises * sight reading drills * review work * accompaniments * worksheets and read aloud exercises.  The John Thompson system has been effectively utilized by teachers for decades to help students excel in their love and appreciation of music.  Still one of our favourites even after all of these years !

From the makers of the Bastien Piano Basics series we have a great program designed for adults.   This excellent course of study gets you up and running quickly with a chord based system that makes playing the piano easy and fun.   This series is most appropriate for adults wanting to pursue a more contemporary style of music.

There are a multitude of contemporary choices available for students today.  Just pick your style and we will help find the material that is suitable to your personal music taste and skill level - while keeping you motivated and challenged at the same time.  There are many resources available through both printed music books and online sites.  We are happy to provide students with a contemporary repetoire whether it be the focus of their studies or an add-on to classical pursuits.

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